Seth Gobrogge restores family tractor with decades of history

Four County Career Center diesel student restores family tractor with decades of history

For more than 30 years, a 4020 John Deere tractor sat untouched in a barn—its engine silent, its wheels still, and its purpose on hold. Now, thanks to the dedication and skill of Four County Career Center student Seth Gobrogge, that same tractor is being brought back to life.

Seth, a junior in the Diesel Mechanics lab, has taken on a restoration project that holds deep personal significance. The tractor was originally purchased in the 1980s by his grandparents, Ron and Carolyn Gobrogge, who used it on their farm before parking it in 1992. Since then, it remained tucked away, collecting dust and memories, until Seth saw its potential for revival.

Determined to restore the family’s beloved piece of machinery, Seth brought the 4020 John Deere into his lab, where he has meticulously completed a full engine overhaul. As part of the restoration, the cab was removed to allow for easier access to the internal components and was recently reinstalled. With each step, Seth is breathing new life into a machine that once played a vital role in his family’s farm operations.

His ultimate goal? To see the tractor back in the fields, serving the farm once again just as it did decades ago. Through hard work and hands-on experience, Seth is not only honing his diesel mechanic skills but also preserving a piece of his family’s agricultural history.
With the final touches underway, the Gobrogge family is eager to witness the return of their long-idled tractor, thanks to the determination of a grandson who is turning a family heirloom into a fully operational machine once more.

Seth extends a heartfelt thank you to his instructor, Mr. Denton Blue, for his invaluable guidance and support throughout this project.

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